Friday, June 11, 2010

Consistently Inconsistent

If there were an award out there for me, I think it would be 'Most Inconsistent Blogger!'. Seriously. I do one WIP Wednesday, then, a few weeks later, one 'this moment' Friday. Just lame. I do have some excuses, but I won't bore you with those. Instead, we will have a massive 'works-in-progress, favorite photo moment of the week, and what the heck else is going on?' post. My apologies in advance.

Shall we get through the current WIP's first? Alright then. Three of my men have birthdays this summer. Three birthdays in one month. Yowza. This is keeping me mighty busy. First up is the middle child's birthday. He will be three (!!), and has requested a turtle and a blue sweater. Done and done!
I am about half done the blue sweater, but have no photographic evidence of that, so we'll have to wait for photos of the finished product, and for now just stare at that pile of bright bright blue. And, how adorable is that little turtle shell!? That was made with my first ever ball of Noro, a yarn loved by many, that has always scared me quite a bit. Anyways. This is the pattern I'm using for the sweet, adorable turtle. Or is it a tortoise...?

Next up, favorite photo of the week, or, 'this moment' (aha! it's totally Friday today, so I didn't completely drop the ball on this one... although, those posts are meant to be wordless...).

Q's last morning at the Waldorf nursery school was today. We made each of his teachers gifts, and he (with my help) wrote each of them a little note. So very sweet.

They are amazing, beautiful people, and I am more than a bit sad that our year with them has come to an end!

And, does that about catch us up? Not really, but we'll get there.


P.S. Blessings, love, and so so many hugs to VeganDietitian, who gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, at home, on Wednesday. Congratulations, and happy babymoon!


Karen W. said...

I can't wait to see that turtle - or tortoise:)I love the colors.
What a pretty present too.
I can't believe how fast these kiddies are growing up. I misty eyed thinking about it.

Birth Routes said...

Such eye candy! I love when you blog.

Brett said...

Alanna showed me this post last night. It made us both smile. Thanks!

Alanna said...

Yes, thank you so much, Julie! You are too sweet. And your projects are beautiful, as always! Wow, three birthdays in one month? Sounds like it will be a very busy crafting time for you....