So, the details. This took me about 3 weeks to knit up. I used Cascades Eco-Wool, 2 hanks. I made a few mods (namely adding sleeves), that are all on the Ravelry page.

Though this sweater is getting lots of Ravelry-love, it is a tad itchy, and my Coraline is still worn far more. (Though, lately I've been layering them, because, ahem, it freaking snowed here yesterday. Yes.) Also, try as I might, I just think I'm more of a lightweight cardi kinda gal than a bulky sweater kinda gal.
Next up: the Manda Ruth (which I affectionately named 'Man...duh!', seeing as it's for my little lad, as opposed to a little lass).

I love this sweater! It took exactly 2 weeks from start to finish. I made the 6 month size, and used Punta Yarns Meritwist Space Dyed. (Warning: to those who may make this cardi with this yarn in the future, I ran out binding off, and had to cut off other yarn ends from around the sweater and tie them on in order to finish.) The very bulky yarn, combined with the seed stitch, makes for a very very firmly knit, warm, thick sweater. Which is good, seeing as it will (hopefully) still fit in autumn, and, um, that lovely end-of-May snowfall we received. I finished it off with a few toggles from the fancy-pants 'fine European fabrics' store, and ta da! Cue the cuteness.

I hope you all are enjoying flower-filled, snow-free ends of May!
You're so clever! These are beautiful :)
Wow, they are gorgeous! And your little guy makes such a perfect model... so adorable!!
Beautiful, just beautiful! And what lovely blue eyes Guthrie has!
Love, love, love the sweaters. What a handsome model your little guy is!
I can't believe the weather lately. Who knows, Guthrie might be wearing his sweater all "summer" at this rate!
i love your sweater and you are amazing to have knit that up so quickly, especially knitting and nursing!
Guthrie is adorable!!!
Beautiful knits and oh so adorable baby!!!!!!! CUTENESS!!!!
I love your stunning and clever knitting! That little baby all rugged up in handmade cute!
Can Guthrie be any cuter? Oh and you are cute too in your sweater but Guthrie...
Both sweaters are gorgeous (so sorry yours is itchy, what a shame! I make things for other people out of that yarn all the time, but I've never made anything for me, so that's good to know!)
And that little baby of yours is totally adorable!
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